What are picture captions?
Have you ever seen a picture that you thought was a joke
waiting to happen? Maybe somebody in the picture had a funny expression on their face or their eyes were closed?
I enjoy taking pictures like these - usually from screen captures since they are most likely to feature imperfect
moments - and ask questions like "what else could be happening in this picture?" or "what does this
person look like he/she is saying/thinking?". I often submit these pictures to various mailing lists for others
to join in the fun. :)
How do I submit captions?
Pictures for captioning are put up on their
own page(s) (as much on a weekly basis as possible) and links to them are submitted to the SHODDS, OBSDS, XFMU,
foxandhound, and Slashing Mulder mailing lists. If you are not a member of these groups, but would still like to
join in the captioning, e-mail me and I can send you notifications
when I put up new pictures for captioning as well. :)
Also, I've created a new Yahoo group specifically for captions! To join in the captioning fun, go here. :)
Do I email you the caption with the picture
number or do I just add the caption to the picture myself and send it?
I like to do them myself so I can remove the
numbers I put on them for captioning purposes. You can put the caption on it yourself, but I'll probably redo it
anyway to get rid of the number. :)
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these people?